Lecture on Connected Histories of Humanitarianisms by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Akçapar

Dr. Burak Akçapar
Former Turkish Ambassador to India, Nepal and the Maldives
Director-General, Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Author of People’s Mission to the Ottoman Empire: MA Ansari and the Indian Medical Mission, 1912-13, OUP, 2014.


Dr. Burak Akçapar, Former Turkish Ambassador to India, Nepal and the Maldives, currently serving as the Director General for Policy Planning at the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gave a speech on his latest book titled People’s Mission. Based on Dr. Ansari’s correspondence published in the Comrade, the book explains in detail the connected histories of the Ottoman Empire and India during the Balkan Wars of 1912-13 when concerned Muslims in India mobilized to dispatch three medical teams to treat wounded Ottoman soldiers.